Guaranteed Targeted Blog Traffic In 11 Easy Steps
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By Robert A Kearse
You are going to achieve this goal by making comments on blogs closely related in theme to your own blog.
But there are several key steps that will make your goal of targeted blog traffic a lot easier to reach.
(1) EVERY DAY type the most important keyword you are trying to rank your blog for into Google Blog Search at
(2) Make a comment on relevant blog posts if you can add something meaningful to the discussion/post.
The first comments get by far the most readership so it pays to be first to make a comment to maximize your blog promotion.
By using Google blog search you will often come across blog posts that are only minutes or hours old.
(3) Keep a blog post comment file in a handy place.
Record any comments you are likely to repeat on other blogs. Number the paragraphs.
You will find it easy to quickly mix and match and copy and paste your recorded comments to make relevant and meaningful blog contributions.
I keep my file in my email draft section.
Use ******************* at the start of the subject line so you can locate the file instantly
(4) Keep a file entitled “Blogs where I have posted a comment”
Enter this data for each blog you comment on
Blog name:
Post title:
Post url:
Alexa rank:(see #11 below)
The above data will prevent you from making the same comment twice on a
Also you definitely want to REVISIT highly rated blogs that get a lot of blog traffic. (The lower the Alexa number, the MORE traffic the blog is getting).
By making more than one comment on a continual basis on a blog you are establishing a RELATIONSHIP with that blog owner, and success on the Internet (and in business in general) is all about relationships.
Another reason you want to record the Alexa rank is for when you revisit the blog post weeks or months later, you can see how much progress that blog is making in attracting targeted traffic.
You want to increase your involvement with blogs that are showing significant improvement. Make sense??
Keep your comment file in your email draft section.
Use =>=>=>=>=> at the start of the subject line so you can locate the file instantly
You can set up multiple accounts at to help you keep track of your posts, but its spider does not reach all corners of the Web yet.
One of your Backtype accounts will be for your private reference, because the comments may be repetitive and so not very useful collectively to another individual.
(5) Repeat this process for your blog’s second and third most important keywords
(6) Repeat this process for long tail keywords you have selected that have a high commercial value.
(These are the long tail keywords individuals use when they are looking to buy rather than browse.)
(7) If you don’t have a direct hyperlink to your blog in the comment you offer, then be sure to use the critical keyword IN PLACE OF your name in the appropriate box of the comment form.
(8) The specific blog url (permalink, category url, etc.) goes in the url box of the comment form.
(9) Sign the comment with your REAL full name.
In other words, BRAND yourself.
(10) Do not susbstitute keyword for name on blogs that have the CommentLuv plugin. This plugin will automatically show your last blog post so you don’t need another link to your blog.
(11) Download and install the Alexa Toolbar (5 minutes)
This is a very important research tool that you will benefit from every day you are active on the Internet. It is one measure of how much traffic any particular site is getting, and is solid knowledge you can make use of in many ways.
You should use Alexa to measure your own progress in blog traffic and blog promotion.
The key is DISCIPLINE.
Following these 10 steps above on a regular basis will dramatically improve your Alexa score over the long run, improve your targeted traffic, and help establish YOU as an authority in your blog’s subject area.
About the Author: Robert A. Kearse’s blog,, focuses on blog traffic and link popularity. His weekly updated
List of Blog Directories
is the most complete source of blog directories and RSS submission sites on the entire Internet and contains over 300 entries with NO DEAD LINKS.
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